My story
My natural hair color is light brown. I previously dyed with a black demipermanent dye (Loreal’s I think) that lasted for about a month. Then it was suppose to rinse out but it just got a little lighter, probably because it was meant for darker hair, like dark brown. I colored my hair for about a year. Before I switched to henna and indigo I didn’t dye it for about two or three months because I heard that you can damage your hair if you previously used chemical dyes (but I did a test on my mom’s hair, who’s been perming and coloring her hair since I can remember, and her hair were fine).
I use Sabrina’s method 1 – applying first henna and then indigo in two separate stages. I use about 110 grams of henna and 90 grams of indigo and I’ve only tried it twice till now. The first time I used henna and indigo I also put about 20 drops of tea tree essential oil (I’d read on the internet that people use them in their mixes) and the second time I also added the same amount of cocoa essential oil because cocoa really smells nice. I leave henna on for about two and a half hours. When mixing indigo I don’t use an egg white and the first time I put 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt for a blue shade in my indigo mix. The second time I used about half the salt I used before and I have to say they’re quite less blue now (I can take photos of my hair now). Next time I’ll use 3 teaspoons. I leave indigo on for about two hours. And after I rinse it out I use coconut oil and leave it through the night and wash it in the morning. I thought I could only use water the next day, but the oil really doesn’t get out without some shampoo.
I love the color of my hair and how the way they shine changes depending on how strong the light is. If the light is weak my hair get a red tone, if it’s a little stronger they have a purple tone, and if it’s strong a blue one. I also noticed my hair aren’t falling out as much as they used to.
Maja “Before Picture” no. 1 | Maja “Before Picture” no. 2 | Maja’s henna application |
Maja ’s hair straight after henna | Maja’s indigo paste application | Maja’s (Renaissance Henna indigo) indigo hair result |
Maja’s (Renaissance Henna indigo) indigo hair result | Maja’s (Renaissance Henna indigo) indigo hair colour result | Maja’s (Renaissance Henna indigo) indigo hair colour result |