I have to say that finding your site last year was like a dream come true. After colouring my hair for the last 30 years since I was 16 years old, I suddenly developed a severe reaction to ppd and ended up in hospital. I then spent many months suffering from a horrendous rash which covered the whole of my body. My scalp felt as if it was on fire and extremely itchy and sore, my ears were blistered and I was generally so unwell that I had to give up work.
After spending the next several months desperately searching the internet for alternatives in which I could colour my hair, I finally found your site. It is quite unbelievable what little other choices there are for people who are allergic to chemical dyes. I felt disheartened, mortified and saddened to think that I was quickly becoming grey in my 40s when I didn’t want to. I am sure many, many other women out there would love to know about Renaissance Henna.
My hair has never looked as good before. It is healthy, glossy and beautiful.
Trish (Lancashire, UK)