My hair is naturally dull brown. It has been chemically coloured countless times and I’ve recently bleached it as well, but I hated the end result ! I’m attaching 2 photos – taken last weekend of how my hair looked after my last lot of colour and bleach, and how it now looks after henna and indigo. While I’m a tiny bit disappointed that I couldn’t get the bleached highlights to deepen completely to brown, I absolutely love the overall result ! I was a little scared as I’d only used my last colour and bleach about a month ago, but I was so fed up with my colour that I was prepared to try so I jumped right in and I love henna and indigo ! I’m definitely going to stick with it. I love how it feels, smells, and colours – it’s fantastic ! I’m so grateful to you sabrina for introducing me to your product and for persuading me to give up on that chemical trash. It was amazing how the colour changed within a single day – initally the henna looked too red/orange but within hours it deepened to deep auburn and I actually started to like it, but thought I’d jump in and try out the indigo ! The bleached bits went a bit yellowy with the henna, but then got tonded down somewhat with indigo and as for the rest of my hair I love the shine, the gloss, and the deep brown with red bits underneath. This is an amazing product and I would recommend it to anyone even if you’ve just used chemical hair dyes or bleached your hair recently. Eternally grateful, Claire.