Hair Salon Safety

Are you satisfied with your Hair Salon Safety? Are they aware of the safety issues surrounding hair dye safety ?  Are Hair Dyes Safe ? Is there a Link between Hair Dyes & Cancer?

Hair salon safety and the issue of hair dye safety in your salon, surely, has to be paramount when we’re talking about human life and health? Why are the big hair dye companies still using chemicals in their hair dyes which are linked to severe allergic reactions and a  significant number of deaths ? If your hair salon is not aware of this, make them aware. Would you really accept a natural herbal hair colour “prescription”  from a doctor who has already killed and maimed countless human beings ? There are many herbal hair colour and plant-based hair dye companies. Pick one you trust.

Reading the scientific Opinions below, it may seem that the chemical hair dye industry is nothing but a giant and greedy monster that is out to make money whatever the cost to human life and health.


hair salon safety - read on for beauty parlour syndrome - could your salon shampoo put you at risk of a stroke? ; photo of black hair tools on a white counter next to a plant
hair salon safety – read on for beauty parlour syndrome – could your salon shampoo put you at risk of a stroke?

image of upper back of man with short hair having hair dye applied by gloved hand and dye brush depicting theme of hair dye allergy

Always patch test prior to use of any hair dye

Hair Salon Safety

In the late 1990’s there was real concern about the link between hair dyes and cancer.

2004 : An Opinion of the European Committee on Consumer Products stated “The study shows an increased risk of bladder cancer among women who made regular use of permanent hair dyes over many years…..the risk is positively correlated to the number of years of usage and frequency of application…..the study confirms the results of earlier occupational health studies in hairdressers and barbers……the SCCNFP concludes that the potential risk for the development of bladder cancer in past users of permanent hair dyes is of concern.”

2005 : Opinion on Personal Use of Hair Dyes & Cancer Risk, Adopted by European Scientific Committeee on Consumer Products
“3.4. Conclusion
1. SCCP has reviewed and assed if use of hair dyes represent a cancer risk. It was decided that the assessment should concentrate on leukaemia and bladder cancer since no evidence was found linking personal use of hair dyes to a cancer risk at other sites.
• Although the published data are conflicting, especially, when all types of hair dyes is considered, it is concluded that some studies indicate excess risks for acute leukaemia and chronic lymphoid leukaemia for users of hair dyes.
• It is concluded that there is an indication of excess risk of bladder cancer for women in USA using permanent hair dyes frequently and for long time.
2. SCCP does not recommend any other requirements for assessing hair dyes than already recommended in its opinion “Assessment Strategies for Hair Dyes” (SCCNFP/0553/02,
Opinion of the SCCNFP adopted during the 22nd plenary meeting of 17 December 2002).”
As a matter of interest, and to enable you to carry out a more balanced judgement exercise do please also take a look at the 2004 updated findings of the European Commission on the link between hair dyes and bladder cancer.

In 2010, the European Commission Directorate General for Health and Consumers states there’s no proven risk between hair dyes and cancer and it is not possible to assess carcinogenic risk of hair dyes.

2010 – 2012 : Health & Environment Network Brussels : Bladder Cancer Review of Environmental Risk Factors Results:

“Other studies show that hairdressers and barbers with occupational exposure to hair dyes experience enhanced risk of bladder cancer. For example, a study related to personal use of hair dyes demonstrates an elevated bladder cancer risk for people who used permanent hair dyes at least once a month, for one year or longer.”


Look at what Cancer Research UK says about the safety of hair dyes.


hair salon safety, why are many still using chemical hair dyes and herbal hair colours from companies whose products have killed and maimed people? ; photo of interior of hair salon, plum colour chairs facing a large mirror , reflecting poster images on a white wall
Why are many salons still using chemical hair dyes and herbal hair colours from companies whose products have killed and maimed people without doing a patch test first on every customer before every hair dye application ?
image of a one way sign to the left of the image with an empty road and mountain range in the background
Human life and health is important, alternatives are important to enable free from products choice alongside the mainstream, Evaluating safety should never be about looking just one way










On the face of it, there is now what can best be labelled “cause for concern” as far as cancer goes. As to whether hair dyes are proven carcinogens is a matter for the scientists ultimately. Current mainstream SCCS (European Scientific Committee on  Consumer Safety)  opinion state there is no major risk. We disagree. But that’s just our opinion. We don’t like hair dyes for many reasons; PPD in hair dyes is just one of those reasons.

The debate will no doubt continue; it’s up to you to decide if you trust conventional chemical hair dyes.

Is your salon aware of Beauty Parlour Syndrome ?


And finally, Is henna safe?

It’s also up to you to decide if you trust henna and indigo to colour your hair. There’s no concrete scientific opinions available on this to help you unfortunately. Perhaps it’s a case of deciding which option carries least risk in your own opinion, what you’re most comfortable with,  and what works best for you. Provided you patch test any product prior to use, that’s probably about as safe as you can be in the knowledge that risk of a reaction is low after you’ve done a patch test. Doing  a patch test is not difficult, it just requires  a little bit of extra time and is worth the effort to be as sure and as safe as possible. Whatever the product, if you’re applying it to your skin or your hair, it’s being absorbed by your skin into your bloodstream.

How to patch test


Hair Salon Safety
Article Name
Hair Salon Safety
Hair salon safety and the issue of hair dye safety in your salon, surely, has to be paramount when we're talking about human life and health? Why are big hair dye companies still using chemicals in their hair dyes which are linked to severe allergic reactions and a significant number of deaths ?
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Renaissance Henna
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