White Rhassoul Clay

Blemish rescue clay masks for skin care are known to naturally cleanse and balance skin and get rid of skin blemishes over time. Natural clay masks are made with only natural ingredients without any chemicals added to them.

Pure clay products will cool, tone and invigorate the face without irritation. And only a very small amount of clay is used for a face cleansing application.

We’re currently out of stocks of white rhassoul clay but we do have Morocco bentonite clay.  Bentonite clay makes your face feel tighter and tighter as the clay dries and tightens your pores. It draws our excess oils and impurities from the skin leaving you with clean, clear and refreshed skin afterwards.

Bentonite Clay Mask for Skin Healing, Clear Skin, Natural Skin Care, Close up of young woman' with clear skin and lightly freckled face , glowing in the sun
Bentonite Clay Mask for Clear Skin and Skin Healing
rhassoul clay skin clay from Morocco is one of our blemish rescue clay masks; picture shows beautiful woman with long dark blonde hair wearing a three quarter long sleeve black top, standing against a golden colour rocky background
rhassoul clay skin clay from Morocco and bentonite clay are both blemish rescue clay masks








“Types of clay

  1. White clay or kaolinite** contains a high percentage of silica and alumina and is considered the purest and gentlest clay of all. It is used to eliminate toxins and lift away dead skin cells. White clay regenerates the skin cells, prevents skin ageing, improves the structure of the skin and enhances elasticity. It is ideal for all skin types (including sensitive skin).
  2. Green clay is highly valued for its mineral content and anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and balancing properties. It is ideal for oily skin that is prone to acne, blackheads or dilated pores.
  3. Red clay is most often used in body and hair care. It purifies the scalp and combats circulation concerns, cellulite and fluid retention due to its high iron oxide content. Red clay stimulates the regeneration process of the skin.
  4. Yellow clay is rich in magnesium and iron. It is used as a stimulating and refreshing treatment. Yellow clay supplies the skin with oxygen thanks to its high water content. Ideal for dry skin types, as well as oily and acne-prone skin.
  5. Pink clay is rich in minerals, silica and iron oxide. This clay is a mixture of red clay and white clay. It is often used as a facial mask for its purifying, antioxidant, decongestant, soothing and regenerative effects. It is ideal for sensitive and dehydrated complexions because it repairs the connective tissues and softens the skin.”

credit for source : https://www.ecco-verde.co.uk/info/beauty-blog/clay-1

Our Moroccan bentonite clay and white rhassoul clays are pure white clays.

product image of foil sealed benonite clay against a green lafy background and an image on the left of a man sitting in a natural background and a woman with bare shoulders and beautiful skin on the bottom right

buy your deep cleansing healing clay treatment from Morocco

Bentonite Skin Cleansing Clay
Article Name
Bentonite Skin Cleansing Clay
Pure clay products will cool, tone and invigorate the face without irritation. And only a very small amount of clay is used for a face cleansing application.
Publisher Name
Renaissance Henna
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