
Amla Powder Lucky Dip

(2 customer reviews)

Original price was: £5.79.Current price is: £0.99.



Healthy Hair Care Amla Powder Vitamin C Hair Treatment,100g

We’ve sold out of our stocks of non organic amla powder, but we do have a new and fresh range  3 in 1 organic amla powder available here.

Lucky Dip Amla Powder

We have some limited  stocks of non organic amla powder, freshly sealed at source, which are still good to go. Some of the packets may feel  hard and the labels may be slightly tatty on some packets but once opened you’ll discover potent amla power. This is a  great buy if you’re not sure about amla and want to try it out at this very lucky price ! Get it while stocks last.

Amla fruit, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a Vitamin C powerhouse and one of the best natural sources of Vitamin C.  Amla is reputed to have the highest content of vitamin C than any other naturally occurring substance on the planet ! ( 20 times more than a single orange). Amla is a natural hair conditioner and a natural skin cleanser. Mix the powder with water and apply the paste to your hair for as long or as little as you want. 30 minutes to an hour is all you need for hair conditioning and hair curl, and longer if you want to darken your hair colour slightly. A one hour Vitamin C hair treatment with Amla paste mixed with water, on blonde and grey hair, will not result in any noticeable colour charge.


Amla will also encourage natural hair waves and hair curl in your hair.


amla hair waves and amla hair curl; picture of woman with her back fgacing the camera, sowing off her long, wavy, blonde hair in the sunshine
Amla hair waves and amla hair curl


For pure healthy hair care, Amla is widely considered to be a natural remedy for hair loss, and for repairing damaged hair. Simply mix the powder into a paste using any temperature water, and apply it to your hair for between 30 minutes to 3 hours  A unique hair conditioning and hair treatment tonic in one, it is said to stop premature hair loss, naturally darken hair and stop greying hair when used regularly over a period of time. Amla may  stimulate hair growth and will make your hair feel thicker and stronger.


Amla naturally rejuvenates, cleanses and conditions hair; close up of young woman with straight , long, brown hair covering part of her face
Amla naturally rejuvenates, cleanses and conditions hair
young man with healthy dark hair wearing gray T shirt, standing against a leafy, shady background
Amla is for all hair types









Using Amla for Hair Colouring as well as healthy hair care !

To naturally darken greying hair or light colour hair , mix amla with lemon juice and freshly boiled hot water, let it sit a couple of hours, apply for approximately three hours to your hair, cover it, and wash out for a  mild natural darker hair tone. Applied consistently over time eg once every week or every two weeks over two to three months, you should see the grey hair gradually getting darker. naturally.

Amla with lemon juice will slightly darken your hair colour, blonde lady with dark blonde tones in her long blonde hair, standing outdoores against a green background and dark sky


Amla with lemon juice will slightly darken your hair colour, it’s a natural anti grey darkening hair dye


man with naturally darkened hair, light beard, wearing grey V neck sweater

On brown hair, you can add Amla powder to your henna  for lighter, golden, brown henna colour tones.


amla on brown hair
Amla mixed with henna on brown hair
man with naturally coloured light brown hair standing against natural background, wearing white shirt, stringing his jacket across the back of one shoulder, raised hand towards his face and posing - holding one finger diagonally across his face from the corner of his inner eyebrow down across his nose ti
Achieving natural light brown hair colour with amla + henna











Indigo applied after a henna + amla mix will produce purple burgundy tones on light colour hair including grey hair and white hair.


Burgundy Hair Colour on Short Hair
Burgundy Hair Colour
side profile of man with naturally coloured hair & beard, wearing sunglasses at dusk , in brown sweater
natural light burgundy hair colour achieved with indigo after henna + amla










Amla Natural Face Mask

Amla is also a natural  face cleanser and can be used as a face mask ; applied for just five to ten minutes it will leave you with beautifully refreshed, smooth and clean skin.


Amla natural; skin cleanser; photo of young woman lying on the ground, staring up at the amera, with dark hair and beautiful clear skin
Amla natural skin cleanser
man with glowing skin wearing a grey vest top, with arms raised to his head, fingers running throguh his hair, smiling at the camera
Natural amla skin care treatment








What is Amla and Why is it so Good for You ?




Renaissance Henna Hair Dye Reviews

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Brand Name
Renaissance Henna
Product Name
Lucky Dip Amla Powder
GBP 0.99
Product Availability
Available in Stock

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Weight140 g

2 reviews for Amla Powder Lucky Dip

  1. jan1

    This is not only a fabulous hair conditioner but I mixed some with Elderflower water, spot of cider vinegar and used as a face mask for 10 mins It left my skin absolutely glowing and beat any expensive salon facial by miles! Going to experiment more with it!

  2. Anonymous

    Basta mischiare questa polvere ad un po’ d’acqua e in venti minuti si ottengono capelli morbidissimi, lucidi e nutriti! Ma soprattutto è meraviglioso scoprire dopo poche applicazioni, o semplicemente aggiungendo un po’ di polvere di Amla al preparato di hennè abituale, che i capelli ricrescono davvero!!! Prima di conoscere i prodotti Renaissance Henna perdevo moltissimi capelli, avevo il cuoio capelluto sempre irritato e i capelli rovinatissimi… Ora sono forti, folti e sani. Grazie! kiocciolina81

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